The Spirited Steed

Tim Steed is a Christian comedian/speaker and author that looks at the humorous side of living a Spirit-filled life. His interactive and hilarious programs are designed to help Christians and Christian organizations with renewal,working through change, and deeping your friendship with Christ.

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Location: Brentwood, Tennessee

Friday, June 30, 2006

Please pray for my friend and brother in Christ, Louis Boyd. Pray right now at this very moment. Here's his story as written by him:

I am a 52 year old man who at the age of 47 was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had a total prostatectomy in Dec. of 2001 and was told the surgery was a sucess and that I was cancer free. At my 6 week post-op visit with my doctor we thought all was great until they looked at my PSA report and found that the cancer was still there. I went to MD Anderson in Houston, TX where I learned that the cancer had spread and was more aggressive than was first thought. I was also told that unless a cure was found, my condition was terminal. After doing almost 5 years of hormone therapy I have become medication resistant and have been looking for alternative treatments. I am now in Tijuana, Mexico at the William Hitt Center where I will undergo 6 weeks of treatments to try and build my immune system back up so that I can continue to fight the cancer. I will be sharing a daily journal of my time here in Mexico with friends and family. I pray that God will use my time here to accomplish His will in my life. Please continue to pray for: 1. Complete healing if it is God's will, 2. For Shela and Travis and my family, 3. For oppotunities to share Christ with those that He puts in my path, 4. For a cure for prostate cancer.


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