The Spirited Steed

Tim Steed is a Christian comedian/speaker and author that looks at the humorous side of living a Spirit-filled life. His interactive and hilarious programs are designed to help Christians and Christian organizations with renewal,working through change, and deeping your friendship with Christ.

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Location: Brentwood, Tennessee

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Christian comedian? Or Comedian that's a Christian? What's the difference?

I take bookings as a Christian comedian. But I also do venues that call for me not to mention Christ.

So the big question is...can I still show them Christ? And by the way, Christ is love if you need someone to define Christ for you. 1John 4:16

I like to think of myself as a comedian that's a Christian. However, I have to advertise myself as a Christian comedian. And I think that just means I have clean material...and that some of my Christian comedy is Bible based.

How much love can you show today?



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